
Arboriculture Australia
Arboriculture Australia™ is the peak national body for professional tree workers, arborists, tree managers, urban forestry workers and utility vegetation managers across Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. Arboriculture Australia works in partnership with the various State and Territory industry bodies to improve our industry and promote the value of trees.
Arboriculture Australia™ is a registered not-for-profit, membership-based organisation with its administration office located in Adelaide, South Australia. A huge number of volunteers contribute to the organisation, through state-based or special-purpose committees and as volunteer directors of the association.
Arboriculture Australia™ supports members from every facet of the industry through a number of initiatives, and is firmly focused on raising standards and safety. The organisation shares a global responsibility to raising the public awareness of the importance of trees in our society. Arboriculture Australia™ is the organiser of world class events such as the Branched Out climbing competition, the annual national conference and a range of other training workshops and industry networking events. Arboriculture Australia™ is the publisher of The Bark™ and the Minimum Industry Standards series. Arboriculture AustraliaTM aims to make the industry larger, safer and more rewarding.

Tree guild of WA
The Tree Guild of WA is an organisation of Tree contractors dedicated to improving the professionalism of the tree industry and educating the general public about proper tree care.
As a Tree Guild of Western Australia Board Member, Arbor Guy is committed to working towards a greener future and is often called upon for advice and to comment on various issues affecting the arboriculture sector. With the key focus on Urban Forest Management at the forefront of community development programs, Arbor Guy are committed to increasing environmental quality and community liveability through the planting and management of tree assets to further benefit the public.

Bunbury Geographe chamber of commerce and industry
The Busselton Chamber of Commerce & Industry was formed in December 1937 and today is a pro-active, ethical, dynamic and highly visible organisation dedicated to supporting local businesses and working with the whole community to develop the economic growth in our fast growing region.
The Chamber deals with a vast range of issues ranging from day to day business opportunities and problems, infrastructure and community affairs, through to long term strategic planning.
The Chamber works and partners with all levels of government to achieve these goals, we are strictly apolitical, financially independent and provide members with the opportunity to enhance their businesses and improve the prosperity of our community.

Western Australian Local Government Association
All Local Governments that are Members of WALGA are able to purchase goods, services and works through the extensive WALGA Preferred Supplier Panels (PSPs).
Arbor Guy is a WALGA preferred supplier, under the Parks and Gardens contract (PSP010)